Sheva Center

EN | FR | IT

Opening of a Name

The content of this course:

  • The first name as a treasure map.
  • The relationship of each letter, each sound, to the chakras.
  • Energetic effect of words.(sonorous or not)
  • The 12 cords. We will practice listening and identifying cords balanced and inbalanced.
  • Intuition.
  • Cause and effect.
  • Communication, What is communication beyond words.
  • The system of listening and concentrating.
  • The inner vision.
  • Perceiving existence as a choice.
  • All as a reflection of one, and one as a reflection of all.
  • How does the client reflect ourselves.
  • How to recognize the client's qualities when he reveals a problem.
  • Connection and disconnection.
  • Relationship between guide and client.
  • Time for questions.


3 days of 5 weekends. (Friday to Sunday)


Friday  10.00 to 13.30   15.30 to 19.00
Saturday  09.00 to 13.00  15.00 to 19.00
Sunday  09.00 to 12.00  14.00 to 16.00


2700.- CHF


Sheva Center
Via Lucerna 7
CH-6900 Lugano

Dates and Registrations: click here