Sheva Center

EN | FR | IT

Vernissage - Aperitif

08. 03. 2025, 19h30

From light arise colours,
from the beauty of dawn, joy.
From joy springs light.

* * *

Hello everyone,
It is with great pleasure 
that we invite you to the vernissage 
of the painter

Julia Tschanz

Julia's work is powerful and sensitive. 
It is uplifting and profoundly beautiful,
where light from the colours emanates. 
It shines down on us and pierces our hearts.
Faced with her intensely gentle works
our soul, absorbed, dances and remembers.

* * *

Julia was born in 1980, she lives and works in Lausanne.
Her love of painting began when she was a child.
She went to artistic high school in Geneva,
then took classes at Ecal in Lausanne.
She then discovered
with painter Barbara Bonvin,
tempera, which she mixes with other techniques
(scraping, pencils, pastels, etc.).

Julia paints and sings to music.
With poetry, she conveys her world to us.

For several years now, Julia has successfully exhibited
in different places and galleries in Switzerland. 
Here she presents a brand new series of works.

* * *

Free entrance.
For organisational reasons,
We thank you for confirming your presence here
(the number of places is limited)

Your friends and family are welcome.
(Please confirm each guest's reservation).

It will be a pleasure to share this moment with you.

Eléonore and Bartolomeo 

Location: Sheva Center, via Lucerna 7, 6900 Lugano